The project “How a Nation is Born: Reconstructing Four Centuries of Brazilian Economic Growth” (REGROWTH) began in 2022 with a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowship grant from the European Comission for two years at ICS, University of Lisbon. The project is currently ongoing at the Center for Research in Economics and Comparative Development at the Lusíada University of Lisbon.
The objective of the project is to build, for the fist time, prices, wages, real wages, GDP, and GDP per capita series for Brazil covering the period from first settlement in the 16th century to the year of the first income census in 1920. Initially, we will focus on the main cities of the colonial period, such as Salvador da Bahia, Rio de Janeiro, Recife and Olinda, São Paulo, Porto Alegre and Rio Grande, and Ouro Preto and São João del Rei.
In this page, we will make available the data files (as soon as the papers are published) and other useful information built by the project.
Prices, Wages, and GDP Data Files
Prices, wages, and real wages for Bahia and Rio de Janeiro (1572–1920) coming soon. Part of the paper “African Slavery and the Reckoning of Brazil” (Lambais and Palma).
Prices, wages, and real wages for Pernambuco, São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul, and Minas Gerais coming soon.
GDP and GDP per capita for Brazil (1570–1920) coming soon.
African Slavery and the Reckoning of Brazil. CEPR discussion paper. (with Nuno Palma). [new version coming soon]
How a Nation is Born: Reconstructing Four Centuries of Brazilian Economic Growth. (with Nuno Palma). [work in progress]
Research Team
Guilherme Lambais (Lusíada University of Lisbon)
Nuno Palma (University of Manchester)
João Fialho
Urano Andrade
Vinicius Alves
Camila Amaral
Hélder Carvalhal
Eduardo Cavalcante
Wildson Félix
Luísa Cristina Fernandes
André Lanza
Gustavo Acioli Lopes
Juliane Monteiro
Maria Ferraz Santos